We’ve been planning to publish a post on Scrum for a long time now. Instead, we have come accross this beautiful piece by Chris Cooney, and felt it fits perfectly to what we wanted to say. Big thanks to Chris, and happy reading to you all!
You’re not even criticising Scrum
I’ve been reading quite a bit of material produced by the agile community of late. I’ve looked into engineering practices and culture. I’ve observed agile metrics and product identification. I’ve even stumbled into the realm of marketing and team building. In all of this, I’ve seen the same old trope wheeled out — “Scrum isn’t appropriate for the modern age”. Then, what follows is what I can only describe as the ultimate straw man convention. Arguments so fragile, I could write an application in VB.net and brute force them into submission. With that in mind, I thought I’d address some of the common critiques that I bump into regularly.
Scrum is old now
I’m endlessly confused by people who equate an idea being old with it being ineffective. People just say “Scrum isn’t relevant any more” and leave it at that, as if that’s an argument on its own. New things are awful. I’ve recently found out that dabbing (which was bad enough) has got a freakish, mutated cousin named flossing. Back in my day, the cha-cha slide kept us true and I don’t see any reason to change now. Scrum is the cha-cha slide. Useful, concise and timeless.
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